Making every bite count

14 January 2007

New year, resolving to update this blog more often

I started this blog last summer, when I had a lot of free time. Life got in the way.

But I'm back...

After a year in Korea, I had trouble readjusting to an American diet. The gluttony, the excess, the fat, the dairy, the meat... It grosses me out. I like meat and dairy, but in moderation.

I've decided to cut out meat, but I'll keep eating fish. I LOVE seafood, especially sushi. Life without sushi wouldn't be worth living!

Today I hosted my book club. I always want to go a bit over the top when I host parties, but the truth is that most people I know just want easy food. I made miniquiche with sun-dried tomatoes, basil and chevre; guacamole and salsa with a crudite platter (left) ... The quiche went largely uneaten, but I liked them. (above)



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